After many years of development, investment in the latest technology, knowledge and research in the field of conservative treatment of scoliosis, we can finally present the new generation MOOR-S brace to the general public.
It began to be developed in our company in 2008. The basic idea was based on the Rigo Cheneau brace and Lyon concept, but later, based on 25 years of experience and global findings, we introduced the principles that the SPoRT (Sforzesco brace) concept takes into account. The aim of the development of the orthosis was to achieve as much corrective orthosis as possible, which would not only maintain the position, but would also be aesthetically acceptable for adolescents.
The orthosis is made individually according to the model, shape or the appearance of the orthosis depends on the curvature of the spine.
It is intended for the non-surgical treatment of scoliosis in the range of 21 to 45 degrees according to Cobb, in some inoperable cases even with a greater curve. It is suitable for correcting all types of curves, up to the top of TH6.
For the correction, a pushing force is used, which forces the child/adolescent to withdraw from the wall of the bodice, i.e. an active response and thus an active correction of the curve. Derotation pressures (driver) and stimulation pressure for subconscious active leveling (pressure point) are implemented in the orthosis.
The construction of the orthosis offers the possibility of openings wherever there is no corrective pressure, which enables better aesthetics and a more pleasant feeling when wearing. Prominent parts of the pelvis are free. The corset is practically invisible under the dress and more comfortable to wear.
Due to the complexity, measurement and production is only possible with the most modern CAD CAM technology.
We strictly follow the SOSORT guidelines for prescription (only an orthopedist at the Valdoltra Hospital) and application (exclusively with us).